The La Guiannee Society cordially invites you to the Twelfth Night Ball
The Ball features "Cousin Curtis" (info) as the main performers starting at 8:00 PM. Prior to the main performance, starting at 7:00 PM, a local group known as "String Connection" will be playing ( info).
Doors open at 6:00, the music begins at 7:00, and dancing starts at 8:00. 18th century costume is encouraged, but not required. Although the event starts at 8:00, but it's best to arrive between 7:00 and 7:30, because there is limited seating and reservations are not permitted. Attendees may bring snacks, however no alcohol is allowed to be brought in. The Legion will offer a variety of wines at the cash bar for the event - in addition to their normal selection.
One of the main highlights of the evening is the announcement of the king and queen for the night. This usually takes place around 9:30 p.m. The king is chosen by whichever man is the first to find a bean in his cake. He then chooses his queen. The other men who find beans become the court and they choose their ladies as well. In leap years, the tradition changes, and the ladies do the choosing. This year however, it will be the men who choose. Two local young ladies will be chosen ahead of time to serve as pages for the event and they will escort the court to their places. The king and queen will receive a complimentary cup to commemorate the occasion.
Saturday, January 7th in the Prairie du Rocher Legion Hall.